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Plant list

Total plants: 331
Show my plants only

Sowing number, date
and type of plant
Phenotype Genotype Environment Action

8, 0000-00-00, single Duvanka 501

12, 0000-00-00, single

15, 0000-00-00, single Novosibirskaya 67

19, 0000-00-00, single

25, 0000-00-00, single Milturum_553

33, 0000-00-00, single Sibiryachka_8

34, 0000-00-00, single Kantegirskaya_89

35, 0000-00-00, single Zelinnaya_60

36, 0000-00-00, single

37, 0000-00-00, single

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