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Genotype Markers Marker data Phenotype Environment
Sowing number
Genotype name
First parent
Second parent
Hybrid status
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Marker "Taglgap"
Marker "Xgwm18"
Marker "Xgwm46"
Marker "Xgwm95"
Marker "Xgwm155"
Marker "Xgwm165"
Marker "Xgwm165"
Marker "Xgwm190"
Marker "Xgwm261"
Marker "Xgwm325"
Marker "Xgwm357"
Marker "Xgwm389"
Marker "Xgwm408"
Marker "Xgwm437"
Marker "Xgwm458"
Marker "Xgwm513"
Marker "Xgwm577"
Marker "Xgwm631"
Marker "Xgwm680"
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Marker name
Marker type
Marker localization
Marker state name
Marker state value
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Basic morphological traits
Stem length
Ear count
Seed count
Seed mass
Mass of 1000 seeds
Seed gluten content
Seed glossiness
Development stages
Seeding date
Germination date
Tillering date
Shooting date
Earing date
Flowering date
Seed maturing date
Main or not
Ear length
Spiklet count
Density index
Seed count
Seed mass
Mass of 1000 seeds
Shape type
Relative water content
Blade width
Blade length
Blade thickness
Leaf number
Leaf section
Leaf type
Lhdetect data
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Grow place
Location latitude
Location longitude
Climat type
Average annual temperature
Average annual precipitation
Average temperature in january
Average temperature in july
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Total: 270
Find: 270
Sowing number Genotype name Hybrid Cultivar Line First parent Second parent Marker name Chromosome Marker type Marker localization
41 Krasa no Krasa
42 Pobeda no Pobeda
43 Herma no Herma
44 Remo no Remo
45 Ramses no Ramses
4567 Marin no Marin
48 Strubes_Weibahriger_Fruher no Strubes_Weibahriger_Fruher
52 Altayskiy_Prostor no Altayskiy_Prostor
52 Friedrichswerther Jabo no Friedrichswerther Jabo
52 Altayskiy_Prostor no Altayskiy_Prostor

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